Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

John Hathaway of Tocqueville Gold Fund - Gold Miners to Lead

An excellent interview with John Hathaway anticipating Tocquville's report to come out on 30th June.

Full Interview Here. at KWN News

A couple of quotes
The next phase of the gold bull market will, in our opinion, be marked by the relative outperformance of mining shares in relation to the metal itself.  Mining stocks have underperformed the metal for a lengthy period, leaving investors demoralized and antagonistic.......The case for precious metals equities therefore rests both on their optionality to higher gold prices and the potential for a significant rerating. .........To conclude, the opportunity that has been provided by the nine month correction in the precious metals sector is of the sort that only comes along once in a decade.  Many Investors have been shaken out and still more sit on the sidelines, wondering whether the correction has run its course and awaiting better buying opportunities ahead.  Despite near term paralysis, increasing numbers of investors recognize that a commitment to gold is becoming a strategic imperative. .........By focusing on timing issues, one runs the grave risk of sitting on the sidelines as this next cycle in the precious metals bull market gathers force.  The history of gold bull markets has been to shakeout all but the most ardent and bloodied investors.   

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